Sunday 17 December 2017

The Welsh Land - Call for its Defense in 2018 - Towards March 1st 2018 and the Land of our Mothers and Fathers Day

Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr came into existence in 2012 to defend Welsh Land and we continue that struggle into 2018 taking up the Welsh Land banner that fell in the mud in the 1890's when a Welsh Land Act was ditched by the Liberal Imperialists who called themselves Home Rulers.

In October 2016 Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr joined the Welsh Socialist Republican Congress and expanded our campaigning to a Public People's Bank for Wales and a Welsh Water Act to defend our precious natural resources.

In 2018 we will take the messages of Welsh Land, Welsh Banking and Welsh Water to Welsh communities throughout Wales utilizing the latest new media. 

We will Educate, Agitate and Organize and lay the foundations for a Wales that is truely socialist and truely independent.

By raising our class and our nation we raise ourselves in 2018

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